- Contemporary technology - medium over message?
Conditions of communication theory
- Cybernetic or Information Theory (Transmissional)
- Semiotics, The Phenomenological Tradition, Rhetorical, Socio-Pyschological, Socio-Cultural, Critical (Constitutive)
- Transmissional send & receive process, perceptions of message
- Constitutive process of production, communication limitations shaped by medium/social context of medium

- Factors that effect process of sending and receiving - Shannon & Weaver Bell diagram
- Noise - different meaning in different contexts, factors causing limits on communication reception.

- Cybernetic model of advertising communication, hyper-extension of Shannon & Weaver Bell model
- "Cybernetics: Control and communication in the animal & machine" (Weiner, 1948)
- Systems Theory feedback, control loops, analysis of complex systems of communication
- Semiotics -semantics : stands for? means?
-syntactics : sign relations
-pragmatics : effect of signs
- Denotation & Connotation
- Using semiotics to analyse an image
- Signified 'Italianicity' would not work in Italy, scene implies return from market: signified freshness, net implies 'caught' food also signifying freshness of product. Tri-coloured (green, red and white) again, 'Italianicity'. Portrait - person to person communication?
- signs are meaningless without first haven been given meaning
- Phenomenology 'Meaning' - lived experience
- perception of 'reality'
- appearance of an object in ones perception
- language = vehicle for meaning
- social value
- interpretation & reinterpretation through past experience
- hermeneutic circle interpreters go back and forth between experience and assigned meaning
- the process of interpretation is central
- Rhetoric a series of linguistic devices, pictures without context are meaningless - application of rhetoric, gives meaning/message to an empty sign.
- ie. Hyperbole, Irony, Personification
- Metaphor a language that directly compares seemingly unrelated subjects or activities, creates associations.
- The Sociopsychological Tradition study of individual as social being, Behavioral, Cognitive, Biological.
- The Sociocultural Tradition social 'coding', definitions in social structure/context. Context is seen as being crucial to forms and meanings of communication.
- Critical Communication Theory synthesis of philosophy and social science, political agenda/ideology in news.
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