-- Physical punishment, public discipline (Pillory's etc.) --
-- A system of discipline / institutional power --- Michel Foucalt's Metaphor based on Jeremy Bentham's design proposal for a prison building --- Emergence of forms of knowledge (biology,
psychiatry, medicine..) - The Great Confinement - Houses of Correction - The 'insane' infantized - forms of mental discipline -- Internalisation of responsibility through disciplinary society -- Birth of Panoptic Prisons -- The Panopticon
Pantopticon - Allows scrutiny and supervision - Creates productivity -
Confine and ultimately correct the insane - Ruling power to mental cohersion, a new mode of power called 'Panopticism' - Organisation of knowledge, power, surveillance of bodies and 'training' of bodies - Prevalent in modern societycaused individual to be in a conscious state that he is always being watched -- Manipulation causing fear of deviance through the sense of being watched -- Self Regulation -- Surveillance: CCTV Recordings, digital sign-in systems.
Institutional Gaze - Relationship between power, knowledge and the body - disciplinary society - cult of h

ealth - TV: passively being fed fear and ideology - Power is not something people have, its a relation between individuals and groups - The exercise of power relies on there being the capacity for power to be resisted - techniques of the Docile Bodies
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